Direktlänk till inlägg 31 oktober 2011

Asylum- the hostel from hell

Av Lisa - 31 oktober 2011 12:29

So I was thinking about telling you a little bit about the hostel we were staying at in Carins ;) I can start to tell you about when we arrived, the first thing that happened was that everybody that was outside stopped with what they were doing and just looked at us when we walked in on the property...Then someone called out a hello, then everybody continued doing what they wre doing. We walked in to the reception and there was a man behind the desk that was so slow! And he was doing everything at the same time, I think there was four people at the same time that he was trying to help ;) And everything he was doing was just a mess so at last there was another person that worked at the hostel that took care of the other three so he could get finished with helping us. And then he showed us around the property.... We got a room with five beds, but it was just me and Elin who stayed in it, so that was kind of nice :) But it was so dirty and, was located in the beginning of the property so everybody was passing by outside our room when they went to their rooms. That kind of sucked at night, because the walls were very thin, so we could hear every little noise from the street and from the other guests that walked by... Last night was the first night when we actually slept well, we still waked up at one time, but the other two nights have been horrible. The first night there was a group of french people talking outside our room, singing and then fighting. And the second night there was a lot of things happening outside our room (two fights, some singing, and some crying, and the cops stopping by on the last fight)... Some of the toiletdoors was broken and they were also really dirty, and the showers were so low that I had to bend my knees and stand really funny to be abel to wash my hair ;) I am so happy that nobody saw me :) One thing that was also kind of weird was that they had no glasses in the kitchen, so there was nothing you could drink from so we drank from bowls ;) The kitchen was so bad that the only thing that was good in the kitchen was the knifes, they were so sharp! :) Oh another thing that was good on the hostel was that the people in the reception always gave you a lot of tips on what you should do and always gave you help if you needed anything :)


    Kom ihåg mig



Av Lisa - 1 oktober 2012 09:05

Igår var vi på shopping nästan hela dagen och det ska vi fortsätta med idag, men inte lika mycket för då får jag väskproblem ;) jag shoppade mycket för att vara mig igår vilket innebar att det blev 18 saker totalt inköpta :) planen för idag är att ök...

Av Lisa - 30 september 2012 10:22

Så nu har de hunnit hänt en del sen jag skrev sist ;) Natten mellan fredagen och lördagen så sov vi hemma hos äldsta brodern eftersom han bodde mycket närmare busstationen. Vi kom dit ganska sent så de var bara att krypa i säng på en gång när vi k...

Av Lisa - 28 september 2012 21:14

Ikväll är sista kvällen på gården och vi lagade tacos :) jag har klippt gräsmattan idag vilket tog ca fem timmar... stor gräsmatta alltså... imorgon åker vi till galway eftersom det skulle vara demonstrationer i belfast, med avstängda områden mm... s...

Av Lisa - 26 september 2012 21:10

Jag orkar inte skriva något idag vi har typ bara städat eftersom det inte har regnat...hostel är i alla fall bokat pch vi ska få skjus till belfast :) hejhopp...

Av Lisa - 25 september 2012 21:19

Idag har vi tvättat vete och packat mjöl :) de gick bra :) vi lagade kvällsmat eller rättare sagt jag gjorde eftersom ebba fick hjälpa till med lite småsaker på gården ;) Farmorn var här på lunch och sen fick vi en rundtur i andra delen av huset, de...

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